Saturday, December 25, 2021

Update 12/25 [FINALLY!!!]

 Ladies and gentlemen. After searching through Chappell's Archive - Drama 2, I found the final song missing which is a short segment from Tension by Roger Roger. Now we can now consider the Weekend Pussy Hunt Music Identification Blog to be considered fully finished. How fitting that this is taking place during Christmas. Now I can say that I gave you all the perfect Christmas gift.

Monday, November 29, 2021

Update 11/29 [Almost Done!!!]

So, we have found yet another Unknown Track. This time, I have managed to locate Oppression by Charles Williams from Archive - Drama 1 from Chappell. The same place I found Action in Drama (1). Meaning that we only have 1 Track Left, and every single track will finally be identified!

Sunday, November 28, 2021

Update 11/28

We have found yet another Chappell piece. This time, I have identified Action in Drama (1) by Robert Farnon as the song that plays when Cigarettes' butt is smoking.

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Update 6/8

Recently, while searching the Archival 2 - Dramatic Documentary album for the hell of it, I managed to identify not just one, but two unidentified songs. Unknown Tracks 3, and 4 respectively, in the form of Cry for Help by Gerhard Trede. So, we're basically more than halfway done.

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Update 5/27

 Thanks to L.O. or Val A, we have some more info about the Unidentified Tracks. First off, Unknown Tracks 4, 8, and 9, are officially identified as In Sombre Mood by Wilfred Burns (APM), Disaster & Desolation by Hubert Clifford (Chappell), and Mysterious Background by Vlastimil Hala (Chappell/IntervoX) respectively. Second, thanks to a secret folder I gained access to from him, we finally have all of the unidentified tracks without all of the dialogue in the way, making it much easier. Third, after listening to Unidentified tracks 3 and 5, I realized that it is possible that they are the same track, so keep that in mind.

Update 3/31

I managed to identify both The Haunted Piano and Motif for Murder.

Monday, May 24, 2021

Update 5/24

Val R from YouTube identified Of Love and Destiny by Leighton Lucas for Unknown Track 7! He apparently also knows how to get the entire series without voices, but he deleted the comment before we even found out how.